名古屋工業大学 大囿研究室
Ozono Laboratory, Nagoya Institute of Technology
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23rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2023)

分類: News,国際学会,学会発表| お知らせ: 2023-11-21

Ebrima Hydara, Masato Kikuchi, Tadachika Ozono:
Deepfake Detection System for Facial Evidence Verification in Criminal Justice and its Legal and Ethical Implications
23rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2023), vol.2, no.129, pp.1-10, 2023.
Monday, 11 December (18:00 ~ 20:00 JST)

Gundidza Florence, Masato Kikuchi, Tadachika Ozono:
“Delay Risk Detection in Road Construction Projects Utilizing Large Language Model“,
23rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2023), vol.2, no.95, pp.1-10, 2023.
Monday, 11 December (18:00 ~ 20:00 JST)
